Doctrine Series (1 USB)
In this 15-part series, Shauna Manfredine thoroughly goes through compelling Bible studies on some of the most controversial and confusing doctrines which are currently effecting believers world-wide. DVD titles in this series include:
Doctrine Series part 1: “The Single Greatest Gift”—the blessing and responsibility of Light.
Doctrine Series part 2: “The Most Dangerous Christian Myth”—sensuality vs. faith.
Doctrine Series part 3: “Keys to Finding the Light”—how to study the Bible effectively.
Doctrine Series part 4: “The Central Doctrine of Babylon”—the pagan Trinity doctrine.
Doctrine Series part 5: “What Really Happens When We Die?”—the non-immortal soul.
Doctrine Series part 6: “Thou Shalt Not Kill...”—Does God Kill?—Character of Yahweh.
Doctrine Series part 7: “The Gift of Tongues”—Speaking in Tongues from the Old Testament.
Doctrine Series part 8: “The Rapture & the Millennium”—Second-chance debunked.
Doctrine Series part 9: “Replacement Theology Lie”—Israel in the Blood of Messiah.
Doctrine Series part 10: “Dangers of the Gnostic Gospel”—False gods in today’s church.
Doctrine Series part 11: “The Only Protection Against False Doctrine”—Rooted in Torah.
Doctrine Series part 12: “The Final Elijah Team”—Keys for being effective.
Doctrine Series part 13: “Messiah’s Authentication”—Wednesday vs Friday Crucifixion.
Doctrine Series part 14: “Is the Weekly Sabbath Lunar?”—Luni-solar Sabbath vs. “Saturday”.
Doctrine Series part 15: “The Truth About Eden”—Evidence of Creation.