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- The Second Exodus Series (9 DVD's)
The Second Exodus Series (9 DVD's)
The Second Exodus Series (9 DVD's) by Shauna Manfredine - Scripture refers to a second, and greater deliverance that overshadows the first Exodus from Egypt. Prior to the Babylonian Captivity, Jeremiah wrote of it extensively. Yahweh brought out the tribes of Israel from Egypt, along with a mixed multitude that engrafted into the nation. There is a future, and final Exodus.
The Second Exodus will be so incredible and miraculous, the first Exodus will pale by comparison. However, while the first Exodus was a physical journey, the Second Exodus is a spiritual one. The first promised land was a small portion of real-estate in the Middle East. But the Promised Land of the Second Exodus is the New Earth!
The Children of Israel passed through 42 camps in their journey from Egypt to Canaan. Each camp was named and characterized by a lesson/test which they faced at that camp-station. These lessons and tests are the final Sealing lessons and tests which the End-time people of Yahweh will face in the Last Days.
1 Corinthians 10:11 “Now all these things happened unto them (Israel in the first Exodus Story) for ensamples (examples): and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the Ends of the World are come.”
Discover the Sealing process, like never before, in this 9-part series. This series was recorded in October of 2021.